Friday, February 13, 2009

February 15, 2009

Hello dear friends and family. I decided to start a blog to help keep everyone updated on N's little life. I cannot promise that I will be perfect about blogging, nor can I even promise that this address will get out to you all. I did one trial post back in December, and this is the first time I have revisited it. That being said, I'll give it a shot.

N is 19 weeks old today...that is roughly 4 and half months. He had his 4 month well child visit at the pediatrician last Wednesday. He weighed in 15 pounds even, measuring 25 inches. Both are in the 60th percentile for his age. I had been calling him a melon-head (I know, mean mommy) prior to his doctor's appointment, and I was right! His head measured 17 1/2 inches, which is in the 90th percentile. The doctor assured me that it's fine, is just big to hold his big brain. He also concurred that N is a melon-head. 

The doctor also gave the go ahead to start N on some solids. We started him immediately with some rice cereal mixed with breast milk. He was unsure of it at first, but as soon as he figured out what to do with the spoon in his mouth, he began to enjoy it. I was told we can begin oatmeal, fruits, and veggies as well, but I was to wait at least 3-5 days between introductions in order to watch for any allergic reactions. I started him on oatmeal on Wednesday by mixing it with some rice cereal. He seems to enjoy that as well. He makes a huge mess...I end up with cereal all over my hands, and he has it all over his hands, clothing, and face. I gave him some squash yesterday and he wasn't a huge fan, but I'll keep trying!

He's a very busy boy nowadays. He plays on his own, but loves attention from anyone at all! He rolled over from his back to his front, and again onto his back from there last Friday. He started up again soon as we put him down he rolls over. He still hates to be on his tummy though, so he rolls from his back to his front, and then just yells. He loves to spend time in his jumperoo, and has learned how to make it bounce. He's very funny- making all sorts of noise all of the time. He lets us know when he's happy, and he let's us know when he's not.

I'll post a few pictures to keep you all up to date. He changes so much every day!
N and cousin A
