Thursday, May 30, 2013

Get It Together...Get It Together...

Phone is ringing. Oh my God. Get it together see what's happening...

Okay back to the real subject at hand. Just over a year ago, I found myself sitting at 215lbs, wearing roughly a 16/18. Don't get me wrong. I know how to eat well, and I thought I knew how to exercise. The problem was that I wasn't really doing either. I was eating well, I was just eating ridiculous portions. I definitely was not exercising. While sitting at a bridal shower in March I chatted with one of my cousins. She mentioned that she was running a 5K in June. For those of you that don't know a 5K is 3.1 miles. I secretly confessed that I had always, sort of wanted to run a 5K, or more realistically say that I could run a 5K. This is the part of the story where I say she forced me into it. More like coerced. Reluctantly, I signed up. June 2, 2012. Paige's Butterfly Run in Syracuse.

It was as though it was etched in stone. Since I signed up for it, I knew that I had to run it. Commence training...I downloaded a couch to 5K app to my Ipod Touch (I didn't even have an iPhone yet, can you believe it?) and began. The first day was a 5 minute warm up, with alternating 45 second jogging/1min30sec walking intervals. I thought I would die. Just under three months later I went with two goals in mind: finish the run without dying, and preferably under 45 minutes. Long story short, I finished, I didn't die, and my official time was 38:39. I was hooked.

Over a year later, I have lost 30 pounds, 2 dress sizes, completed 7 different 5K races, and gained a lot of something. Confidence, gusto, joy, I'm not sure. Maybe all of them.

I still have a lot of weight to lose. I now have new goals in mind including completing a 5K with no walking, and then completing a 10K. I need a new pair of sneakers desperately, and I just got in the short dress that I ordered for my baby sister's a size 12. Did I mention it's short? And tight? So now I need to get it together...