Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 16, 2008

Well, I decided that since N is in our lives now, it might be helpful to start a blog to update everyone on our family. I'm sure that most of this will be about N, and the happenings of his little life. It'll also give me an opportunity to be better about sharing recent pictures, as he changes so much daily!

N is 10 1/2 weeks old. C and I are absolutely smitten with him. While he's been smiling on and off since about 6 weeks, he smiles all of the time now. If I walk into the room and say hello, he breaks out into a huge grin. It absolutely melts my heart. We're working on getting him to laugh...it seems to be right around the corner, but he just hasn't figured it out yet! He is very busy and plays a lot more. N is also very vocal baby. At his 2 month doctors appointment, his pediatrician commented that he was "extremely vocal for his age." I keep wondering if we'll need ear plugs when he starts talking.

We've been working on tummy time to strengthen his muscles. He still doesn't like it, but he is much stronger now. He's also batting at everything. It makes it harder to relax close to him! As for sleep, well, I'm not sure I want to comment. I may jinx things. N slept for five hours straight two nights ago, and last night, he slept for 7 1/2 hours straight! I'm hoping he'll keep it up, but I'm not sure if he will. It's my understanding that breast fed babies have a harder time sleeping through the night.

We're excited to go to Syracuse for Christmas, as N has a lot of people that he needs to meet. We'll be leaving sometime on Friday, and will be staying until the 28th. I'm glad to have such a long time. We're fortunate that C has enough time off for us to be able to do this. When we come back to Mass, I'll be going back to work part-time at Babies-R-Us. My management has been awesome...I'll be working Tuesday and Thursday nights after C gets home from work. I'll probably be working all day on Saturdays, and on Sunday I'll be working from 9am-noon. I'll miss my little man while I work, but I'm spoiled in that I get to stay home with him during the day.

Well, I guess I'm going to head to bed...N and C are in bed so it'd better get in as much sleep as possible before I get my 3:00am wake up call. Or maybe later...here's to hoping...