Friday, September 28, 2012

Cooking with Booze: Buttershots Recipe 1

So it turns out that there are not a ton of cooking ideas that involve butterscotch schnapps, but I did manage to find one. Turns out most of the others involve simply drinking the ButterShots. That being said, I'm already changing my game plan. ButterShots recipe means one to eat, one to drink. Last night was my eat one, and I had to improvise a bit to take down the points plus value, as I've been doing Weight Watchers. So here goes:

1 ripe banana (cut in half lengthwise)
2 tbsp brown sugar
.5 tbsp butter
1.5 tbsp ButterShots

Melt butter in a frying pan and mix in sugar and ButterShots- add banana pieces and cook down making sure to baste with the banana with it. Cook down until everything has caramelized and thickened. This probably would have been delicious enough on it's own, but I decided to pour it all over some vanilla ice cream. The end result was amazing. So amazing that I did not bother to take a picture, and that typing this has me salivating like Pavlov's dog. 

Up next, ButterShots Recipe #2- Caramel Apple Martini

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cooking With Booze- Part 1

During one of my never ending quests to clean out my house, I have discovered a part of my past that I cannot get rid liquor cabinet.

Nowadays, if I am going to imbibe, it is usually a relentless attempt to escape the confines of my house...meaning I go out. This has left me with a full liquor cabinet that I cannot bring myself to part with. In an attempt to clear this out (without pouring myself some tall ones every night), I am going to challenge myself to cook with my booze. This means I need to remove it from the hidden cabinet above my fridge and place it back out in the open.

Here goes Step 1: INVENTORY
-ButterShots (3/4 bottle)
-Southern Comfort (2/3 bottle)
-Grand Marnier (3/4 bottle)
-Chambord (2/3 bottle)
-Applejack (2/3 bottle)
-Triple-sec (2/3 bottle)
-Jameson (2/3 bottle)
-99 Apples (2/3 bottle)
-Frangelico (1/2 bottle)
-Tequila (2/3 bottle)
-Spiced Rum (Full bottle)
-Pimm's (Full bottle)
-Bailey's (Full bottle)
-Madeira (1/2 bottle- bought solely for cooking)

Additionally, I have a two bottles of holiday wine, a bottle of port, a specialty bottle of beer, and a bottle of ice wine. I suspect these will all be consumed on their own time.

My game plan is to focus on two recipes per week that involve cooking or baking with any of the above open bottles and stick to one liquor only. I'll do my best to post the recipes and review them...

This week: ButterShots.